Chinese Repression and Uyghur Militancy at Eurasia’s Crossroads

From Hudson Institute Background: With the launch of the PRC’s Silk Road Belt initiative, the region known to Chinese as Xinjiang and to Uyghurs as East Turkestan appears set to reprise its historic role as the strategic crossroads of Eurasia. In Xinjiang, indigenous Muslim Uyghurs have long suffered under harsh rule, and the region has been plagued by communal violence between Uyghurs and Han Chinese … Continue reading Chinese Repression and Uyghur Militancy at Eurasia’s Crossroads

In memory of Eliott Sperling

Ilham Tohti Initiative (ITI) is very sad to announce the sudden death of its long time friend Elliot Sperling, in New York, on the 28th of February. A brilliant scholar of East Asian Studies Elliot Sperling was well known for his understanding of Tibet history, his mastery of the Chinese language, and his friendship with Ilham Tohti, prominent Uyghur economist, unjustly jailed in 2014 and … Continue reading In memory of Eliott Sperling

What is the Ilham Tohti Initiative?

The Ilham Tohti Initiative (ITI e.V.) is an organization based in Germany (Fasanenstr. 79, 85757 Karlsfeld) named after the renowned and unjustly imprisoned Uyghur academic: Professor Ilham Tohti. The ITI is a multi-national entity open to anyone regardless of nationality, ethnicity and religious affiliation, who agrees with Prof. Tohti’s ideals and shares his vision. The Ilham Tohti Initiative has the goal to promote Prof. Ilham Tohti’s ideas and help to put them into reality. Continue reading “What is the Ilham Tohti Initiative?”

China Wants You to Forget Ilham Tohti

Source: Human Rights Watch, September 20, 2016

It’s been two years since Ilham Tohti, a well-regarded ethnic Uyghur economist and peaceful critic of the Chinese government, was sentenced to life in prison by the Xinjiang People’s High Court for alleged “separatism” after a grossly unfair trial. Tohti and his family had already endured years of harassment and periods of house arrest by state agents, but in September 2014 Beijing evidently felt it necessary to take him off the grid permanently. Continue reading “China Wants You to Forget Ilham Tohti”

Sticky post

Timeline of Ilham Tohti’s Case

Source: Human Rights Watch, September 15, 2014

Late 2005

Living in Beijing and teaching at Beijing’s Minzu University of China, Ilham Tohti establishes “Uighur Online,” a website published in Chinese and Uighur “to provide Uighurs and Hans with a platform for discussion and exchange.” The website serves as a platform for Uighur social and cultural issues, as well as Chinese policies in Xinjiang. Authorities periodically shut the website down. Continue reading “Timeline of Ilham Tohti’s Case”

News About Uighur Scholar Ilham Tohti on the Third Anniversary of His Sentencing: No News

China Change, September 22, 2017 We believe that the combination of reduced visits, denial of communication, gag orders, and family reprisals, have been carefully engineered to punish the Uighur scholar with degrading treatment and psychological torture, while at the same time keeping the attention on his plight from the outside world to a minimum. September 23, 2017, marks the 3rd anniversary of the Uighur scholar … Continue reading News About Uighur Scholar Ilham Tohti on the Third Anniversary of His Sentencing: No News

Declaration of Pier Antonio Panzeri, Chair of the EP Human Rights Subcommittee

 22.6.2017 EU-China Human Rights Dialogue should be strengthened and sharpened, says DROI Chair, Pier Antonio Panzeri (S&D, IT) on the occasion of the China human rights dialogue on 22 June 2017. “At the recent EU-China Summit (1-2 June), the European Union and China agreed to hold their 35th human rights dialogue on 22 June 2017. In view of the deteriorating human rights situation in China … Continue reading Declaration of Pier Antonio Panzeri, Chair of the EP Human Rights Subcommittee

Qu’est-ce qu’Ilham Tohti Initiative?

Ilham Tohti Initiative, ITI, est une organisation localisée en Allemagne (Fasanenstr. 79, 85757 Karlsfeld) fondée en l’honneur d’un universitaire ouïghour réputé, injustement emprisonné, le professeur Ilham Tohti. ITI est une entité multinationale ouverte à tous ceux qui, quelles que soient leur nationalité, leur ethnie ou leur religion, poursuivent les idéaux d’Ilham Tohti et partagent sa vision. Elle a pour objectif de promouvoir les idées d’Ilham Tohti et de contribuer à leur réalisation. Continue reading “Qu’est-ce qu’Ilham Tohti Initiative?”

Ilham Tohti 2016 Martin Ennals Award Laureate for Human Rights Defenders

October 11, 2016

The Award is given to Human Rights Defenders who have shown deep commitment and face great personal risk. The aim of the award is to provide protection through international recognition. Strongly supported by the City of Geneva, the Award will be presented on Oct. 11th.

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Ilham Tohti est le lauréat 2016 du Prix Martin Ennals pour les défenseur-e-s des droits humains


October 11, 2016

Ilham Tohti a été séléctionné par un jury composé des dix plus grandes organisations pour la défense des droits humains (voir liste ci-dessous). Le Prix est attribué à des défenseur-e-s des droit humains qui se sont illustré-e-s par leur profond engagement dans leur combat contre la violation des droits humains et ce malgré les risques personnels encourus. L’objectif de cette distinction est de mettre en valeur leur travail et de leur offrir une protection à travers une visibilité accrue et une reconnaissance internationale. Activement soutenue par la Ville de Genève, la cérémonie se tiendra le 11 octobre 2016.

Ilham Tohti (Chine) 

Ilham TohtiCélèbre intellectuel ouïghour en Chine, Ilham Tohti a travaillé deux décennies  durant pour favoriser le dialogue et la compréhension entre les Ouïghours et Hans chinois. Il a rejeté le séparatisme et la violence, et a cherché une réconciliation fondée sur le respect de la culture ouïghoure, qui a été soumise à la répression religieuse, culturelle et politique dans la Région autonome ouïghoure du Xinjiang.

En 1994, il commença à écrire sur les problèmes et les abus dans le Xinjiang, ce qui a eu pour conséquence d’être placé sous surveillance de l’Etat. De 1999 à 2003, il a été interdit d’enseignement. Depuis, les autorités ont également rendu impossible toute publication de sa part dans les lieux habituels. En réponse, il se tourna vers Internet afin d’accroître la sensibilisation du public aux différents enjeux économiques, sociaux et aux développements auxquels sont confrontés les Ouïghours. En 2006, il créa, un site en langue chinoise favorisant le dialogue et la compréhension entre les Ouïghours et les Hans chinois. Au cours de son existence, le site fut fermé à plusieurs reprises et ses différents auteurs harcelés.

En 2009, il a été arrêté pendant plusieurs semaines après avoir publié des informations à propos d’Ouïghours qui ont été arrêté-s-s, tué-s-s ou qui avaient “disparu” pendant et après des manifestations. Dans les années suivantes, il a été régulièrement assigné à résidence, et en 2013, alors qu’il avait l’obligation de prendre un poste en tant que chercheur invité à l’Université d’Indiana aux États-Unis, il a été détenu à l’aéroport et empêché de quitter la Chine.

Le 15 janvier 2014, Ilham Tohti a été reconnu coupable de séparatisme et condamné à l’emprisonnement à vie, après un procès de deux jours. De nombreuses déclarations ont été émises par les gouvernements occidentaux et l’Union européenne condamnant son procès et sa peine. Début 2016, plusieurs centaines d’universitaires ont adressé une pétition aux dirigeants chinois pour sa libération.

Dès sa nomination comme finaliste pour le Prix Martin Ennals plus tôt cette année, sa fille a déclaré: « Mon père Ilham Tohti a utilisé une seule arme dans sa lutte pour les droits fondamentaux des Ouïghours du Xinjiang : les mots ; parlés, écrits, distribués et affichés. C’est tout ce qu’il avait  à sa disposition, et c’est tout ce dont il avait  besoin. Voilà ce que la Chine a trouvé de si menaçant. Une personne comme lui ne mérite pas d’être en prison, ne serait-ce même pour un jour. »

Le Président de la Fondation Martin Ennals, M. Dick Oosting, a déclaré: « La vraie honte de cette situation est que, en éliminant la voix modérée d’Ilham Tohti, le gouvernement chinois jette en fait les bases de l’extrémisme même qu’il dit vouloir empêcher. ».

La principale distinction du mouvement des droits humains. Le Prix Martin Ennals pour les défenseur-e-s des droits humains est une collaboration unique entre dix des plus importantes organisations mondiales des droits humains pour protéger les défenseur-e-s dans le monde entier.

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Die Ursachen der ethnischen Spannungen in Xinjiang

Die deutsche Webseite der Ilham Tohti Initiative finden Sie unter:

Auf eine Anfrage hochrangiger Beamter der chinesischen Regierung schrieb Prof. Tohti 2011 einen Artikel, in dem er neun Bereiche des sozialen, politischen, wirtschaftlichen und religiösen Lebens im Uigurischen Autonomen Gebiet Xinjiang aufzählt und darin die Ursachen für ethische Spannungen analysiert. Gleichzeitig gibt er Empfehlungen, wie man diesen Problemen begegnen könnte. Continue reading “Die Ursachen der ethnischen Spannungen in Xinjiang”

The Case for a Silenced Voice of Moderation

Wu’er Kaixi, October 1st, 2016,

As the European Parliament weighs this year’s nominations for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti, I believe, deserves special consideration.

It may not seem so to some. The so-called Xinjiang Autonomous Region, formerly known as Eastern (or Chinese) Turkistan, is far away, its people, the Uyghurs, little known. Unlike other centers of systematic repression, it rarely features in headline journalism, and its travails do not resonate with the world as those of, say, Tibet do. Continue reading “The Case for a Silenced Voice of Moderation”

Present-Day Ethnic Problems in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region: Overview and Recommendations

By Ilham Tohti, January, 2014

Source: China Change, translated by Cindy Carter, May 19, 2015

This article, a total of 24,000 characters in Chinese, was first posted on the Daxiong Gonghui (大象公会) website sometime after the Uighur scholar Ilham Tohti’s arrest in January, 2014. Daxiong Gonghui described the origin of the article in a note: “This document was written by Ilham Tohti, Associate Professor of Economics at Minzu University of China (formerly Central Nationalities University), in response to a 2011 request from high-level officials in the Chinese government. Ilham Tohti made first-draft revisions to this document in October of 2013, but was unable to complete a final draft.” The post has since been censored and is only available elsewhere as reposts. Ms. Yaxue Cao, the editor of China Change was able to confirm the origin and the authenticity of the article with Mr. Huang Zhangjin (黄章晋), the editor of the online Daxiong magazine and a long-time friend of Ilham Tohti. is pleased to present a complete translation of this important article to all who are concerned about Chinese government’s gross mistreatment of Professor Ilham Tohti who was sentenced to life in prison in September, 2014, on charges of separatism. The translation was first posted on China Change in eight installments from April 22 to May 19, 2015.  Continue reading “Present-Day Ethnic Problems in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region: Overview and Recommendations”

Was ist das Ziel der Ilham Tohti Initiative?

Die deutsche Webseite der Ilham Tohti Initiative finden Sie unter:

Die Ilham Tohti Initiative (ITI e.V.) ist ein Verein mit Sitz in Deutschland (85757 Karlsfeld, Fasanenstr. 79), benannt nach dem zu Unrecht inhaftierten uigurischen Wissenschaftler Prof. Ilham Tohti. Die ITI ist eine multinationale Organisation, die jeden willkommen heißt, unabhängig von Staats- und Volkszugehörigkeit oder religiöser Ausrichtung, der Prof. Ilham Tohtis Ideale und Visionen teilt. Ihr Ziel ist es, diese Ideen und Visionen zu fördern und in die Wirklichkeit umzusetzen. Continue reading “Was ist das Ziel der Ilham Tohti Initiative?”

Donnons le prix Sakharov à un intellectuel ouïghour

Par André Gattolin, sénateur , Marie Holzman, présidente de Solidarité Chine et Noël Mamère, député

Source: Libération, 14 juillet 2016

Depuis le 11 septembre 2001, les Ouïghours sont devenus une cible privilégiée du pouvoir chinois. Ilham Tohti, professeur de l’université Minzu (des ethnies) à Pékin, a été condamné en 2014 à la prison à perpétuité.

Continue reading “Donnons le prix Sakharov à un intellectuel ouïghour”

Qu’est-ce que le Xinjiang, la région dont vient Ilham Tohti?

Source: Publié sur le site du GIS réseau Asie, en avril 2016, sous le titre “Le Xinjiang et la question ouïghoure”
 Vaste comme trois fois la France, le Xinjiang a longtemps été un des principaux carrefours des fameuses routes de la soie. Conquis par la dynastie mandchoue des Qing au milieu du XVIIIe siècle, il se situe à la confluence entre le monde des steppes dans sa partie nord et celui des oasis centrasiatiques dans sa partie sud. Le paysage ethno-religieux qui le caractérise est le fruit des interactions ancestrales entre ces deux mondes, le puissant voisin chinois à l’est et les marges voisines du sous-continent indien au sud.

Continue reading “Qu’est-ce que le Xinjiang, la région dont vient Ilham Tohti?”

China to Allow Family Visit For Jailed Uyghur Scholar

Source, Radio Free Asia, 2016-02-18

Authorities in northwestern China’s troubled Xinjiang region have given the go-ahead for relatives of jailed Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti permission to visit him in prison, where he is held in a cell on his own and has access to daily necessities and reading matter, his wife said. Continue reading “China to Allow Family Visit For Jailed Uyghur Scholar”

lham Tohti is nominated for the Martin Ennals Award 2016

Source: Radio Free Asia, 2016-04-27

Rights activists on Wednesday welcomed the nomination of jailed Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti as a finalist for the Martin Ennals Award 2016, for those who “defend human rights with courage in the face of personal risk.”

Tohti, a former professor at the Central University for Nationalities in Beijing, was sentenced to life in prison following his conviction on a charge of “separatism” by the Urumqi Intermediate People’s Court in Xinjiang on Sept. 23, 2014. Continue reading “lham Tohti is nominated for the Martin Ennals Award 2016”

My Ideals and the Career Path I Have Chosen

By Ilham Tohti, January 17, 2011

Source, China Change, April 6, 2014

On January 15, 2014, Chinese authorities arrested Ilham Tohti, a Uighur economics professor at the prestigious Minzu University in Beijing. Authorities formally charged him with separatism on February 25, and have so far denied him access to his attorney. For years, Tohti has discussed and commented on not only Chinese policies in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, where the vast majority of this Turkic Muslim population lives, but also the state of Han-Uighur relations. He founded the Chinese-language website 维吾尔在线 (Uighur Online), which is meant to facilitate communication and understanding between the two peoples. The PEN American Center has recently named Ilham as the 2014 PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award winner. The following autobiographic essay, written in January, 2011, provides a much-needed portrait of the man. In dealing with Ilham’s case, we demand that the Chinese government acts transparently and in accordance with its own Criminal Procedure Law as well as international norms. – The Editor

Continue reading “My Ideals and the Career Path I Have Chosen”

Making the Case for Nominating Ilham Tohti for the Sakharov Prize – My Remarks at the European Parliament

Cao Yaxue

Source: China Change, May 31, 2016

On May 25, a conference titled “Does China Want Real Ethnic Harmony? Professor Ilham Tohti in Perspective” was held in the European Parliament in Brussels. It was sponsored by MEP Ilhan Kyuchyuk of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe; MEP Barbara Lochbihler, with the Greens/European Free Alliance and the vice-chair of Subcommittee on Human Rights of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, gave the closing remarks. Both members displayed a sound grasp of the plight of Uighurs and Ilham Tohti’s case, and explained how the Sakharov Prize should be seen as a vehicle of change. I spoke along with five other panelists from academia and human rights groups in Europe and the US, and together we made the case for nominating Ilham Tohti for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. My remarks focus on Ilham Tohti’s ideals and work. — Yaxue Cao Continue reading “Making the Case for Nominating Ilham Tohti for the Sakharov Prize – My Remarks at the European Parliament”

Ilham Tohti: A Short Introduction

Prepared by Elliot Sperling, professor of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University  Yaxue Cao, editor of and the Ilham Tohti Initiative   Ilham Tohti is the most renowned Uyghur public intellectual in the People’s Republic of China. For over two decades he has worked tirelessly to foster dialogue and understanding between Uyghurs and Chinese over the present-day repressive religious, cultural and political conditions of the … Continue reading Ilham Tohti: A Short Introduction

Why Uyghur Issues Go Unreported—in and outside China

Source: Nieman Reports, January 8, 2016

According to the Committee to Protect Journalists’ most recent censusChina is the world’s leading jailer of journalists, with 49 imprisoned as of December 2015. Of those 49, at least 14 are Uyghurs—a startling proportion given that the Turkic-speaking Muslim ethnic group, living in the country’s northwest Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous region, makes up less than one percent of the country’s population. That disproportionation, however, is less surprising to those familiar with the long-fraught relationship between the Uyghur people and China’s authoritarian government.

Uyghurs, unlike the rest of China’s 55 officially designated minority groups (with the other exception being the Tibetans), have a history, albeit a short one, as an independent nation. The region gained independence as the East Turkestan Republic in 1933 and again, after being sacked by the Chinese Muslim army during the Kumul Rebellion, in 1944. The Silk Road region officially came under Communist rule when the party took control of China in 1949.

Since then, the state has sponsored mass migration of the Han Chinese, China’s predominant ethnic group, to Xinjiang to support economic development; Han now comprise nearly half the region’s population. Meanwhile, the country’s central government has increasingly portrayed Uyghur separatists, who seek to govern themselves and call the Xinjiang region East Turkestan, as terrorists—claims that many human rights activists say are exaggerated and an excuse to justify oppressive policies that curtail Uyghur commercial and cultural activities. There are restrictions on Islamic religious practices, and Uyghur language instruction in schools is being phased out. Reports from the region chronicle a pattern of abuse that includes imprisonment, torture, and disappearances. Continue reading “Why Uyghur Issues Go Unreported—in and outside China”

Ilham Tohti’s Nomination for Sakharov Prize Welcomed by Laureate and Scholars

Source: China Change, September 19, 2016

Ilham Tohti (伊力哈木), a Uighur scholar known for his incisive writings on China’s policies in Xinjiang, was named by the European Parliament to be one of the five nominees for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought on September 15. Ilham has for years been a vocal advocate for the economic, cultural, and religious rights of Uighurs in Xinjiang. His role as a rational voice for Uighur autonomy led to his arrest in January, 2014, and a sentence to life imprisonment in September that year. Continue reading “Ilham Tohti’s Nomination for Sakharov Prize Welcomed by Laureate and Scholars”

China Wants You to Forget Ilham Tohti

Source: Human Rights Watch, September 20, 2016 It’s been two years since Ilham Tohti, a well-regarded ethnic Uyghur economist and peaceful critic of the Chinese government, was sentenced to life in prison by the Xinjiang People’s High Court for alleged “separatism” after a grossly unfair trial. Tohti and his family had already endured years of harassment and periods of house arrest by state agents, but … Continue reading China Wants You to Forget Ilham Tohti

China Family of Jailed Uyghur Scholar Faces Severe Hardship, Social Isolation

Source: Radio Free Asia, 2016-04-26

The wife of jailed Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti is facing extreme hardship and increasing isolation as she struggles to raise the couple’s young sons in Beijing, she told RFA.

Guzelnur has been left with scant income to care for the couple’s young sons in Beijing while her husband serves a life sentence for “separatism,” she said. Continue reading “China Family of Jailed Uyghur Scholar Faces Severe Hardship, Social Isolation”